One of the young talents in the music world, Gökhan Kunt, is coming out with his latest single “İhanet” to his listeners. The song deals with the pain that is the common denominator among three different sides: the one who cheats, the one who is cheated on, and the one who enables cheating. It tells the story of our protagonist being betrayed and the regret that follows.
The lyrics of the song express the momentary impulse that led our cheating friend to commit the act and the regret that follows. The palpitations of our protagonist’s heart out of fear are conveyed to the listeners through the emotional lyrics in the song. While the song may not fall under the category of heart-wrenching, it is still suffocating and induces anxiety.

One of the most striking points of the song is our hero’s main concern. Will they be forgiven or not, and even if they are forgiven, will everything be the same or not? Although it is difficult to approach those who betray with sympathy, our hero doesn’t even consider lying and is very afraid. Therefore, the hero in the song comes across as a little sweet and sympathetic.

Gökhan Kunt’s song “İhanet” will meet music lovers on all digital platforms on Friday, April 14th. The song’s confessional and betrayal-scented lyrics will deeply affect listeners. While listening to the song, you won’t be able to help but think if you could be as brave as our hero by putting yourself in their shoes.
This emotional song is being released as part of the Özgür Aras project for music lovers.