Masaüstü Reklam
A New Beginning For The Logistics Sector Şerafettin Aras Back In Presidency In Und Elections

A New Beginning for the Logistics Sector: Şerafettin Aras Back in Presidency in UND Elections

The elections of UND, the unifying power of the logistics sector, are over. In the new elections, the current president Şerafettin Aras and the board of directors renewed their confidence. Mutluhan Akan, Chairman of the Board of Logista Global Logistics, said, “The winner of the UND election was our entire sector. I think it is very important that there was such an intense participation in the election. I would like to thank our members for protecting the sector and turning the election into a democracy feast. Good things will happen at UND. A stronger UND will benefit us all.”

The general elections of the International Transporters Association (UND) are over. At the 41st Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held in Istanbul on March 9, 2024, Şerafettin Aras and Nagihan Soylu competed for the UND Presidency. 893 members voted and 852 votes were considered valid. Şerafettin Aras received 536 of the valid votes and became the new president of UND.

Making a statement about the new election of UND, Logista Global Logistics Chairman Mutluhan Akan said, “I wish that the election held at UND will be beneficial for our entire country, especially for our sector.”

Şerafettin Aras'ın Und Başkanlığına Destek Sektörde Deneyim Ve Birlik Arayışı (1)


Stating that it is pleasing to see a wide participation in the UND elections, Akan said, “Professional chambers, associations and NGOs are the most important organizations of professionals, tradesmen and those engaged in trade. It is extremely pleasing that the elections of a well-established association such as UND have received so much favor from its members. The higher the participation, the more associations and NGOs realize how important they are and strive to do their part in the best way possible.”


Emphasizing that a strong UND will always benefit the logistics sector and the players of the sector, Akan said, “The elections are over. Now is the time for unity. It is time to join forces. We, who carry the trade of Turkey’s export-oriented growing Turkey, will create more efficient works with a stronger UND. On behalf of myself and my company, I trust Mr. President and his team. I am ready to contribute whatever we can under the roof of UND. Our sector is united with the election. We believe that UND, which knows how to be one and united without saying winner-loser, you and me, will make more efficient contributions to Turkey’s economy.”

Şerafettin Aras'ın Und Başkanlığına Destek Sektörde Deneyim Ve Birlik Arayışı (6)


Logista Global is a logistics company established with 100% Turkish capital. Logista Global, which sees honesty and quality in service as the guarantee of success and sustainability; has adopted the basic values such as quality service, timely delivery and reasonable price as its unchanging principles.

The arrows in Logista’s logo symbolize fast, expert and experienced staff. Logista Global, which provides complete and partial transportation services to European Countries, Balkan Countries, Middle East Countries and Turkic Republics, continues all these services with its new generation, digital investments, all of which comply with Euro 5 / Euro 6 standards and can be monitored with 24-hour satellite tracking system.

As an institution established with the vision of bringing a new perspective to logistics; Logista Global’s investments continue in the fields of land, air, sea, project cargo, storage, distribution, customs clearance, international and domestic logistics in order to provide integrated logistics services.

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