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45 Yapi Fuari Turkeybuild Istanbul Fuari 26 29 Nisan Tarihleri Arasinda Sektorun Nabzini Tutmaya Hazirlaniyor 3660.jpg

45th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul Fair is getting ready to take the pulse of the sector between April 26-29!

The 45th Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul Fair, where the trends of the construction industry will be discussed and the latest building technologies and building products will be exhibited, will be held at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center between 26-29 April.

Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, which is the largest building fair in the region covering the Balkans, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Middle East and North Africa, and one of the five largest in the world, is getting ready to open its doors at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center on April 26.

Yapı Fair-Turkeybuild Istanbul, in addition to being the most effective business platform in the region, is the longest held fair of the Turkish construction industry. The fair serves as a main platform for both local and foreign exhibitors to reach a wide audience consisting of buyers, decision makers and opinion leaders. Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul, which received 50 percent government incentives this year as in previous years; will host nearly 400 local and foreign participants in the field of construction, construction materials and technologies. Attracting buyers from the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa besides Turkey, the fair also plays a major role in establishing new collaborations. This year, more than 30 foreign participants from 13 countries, mainly Austria, Belarus, China, TRNC, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Romania and Russia, will take part in the fair. Within the scope of the VIP Buyer Delegation Program, more than 300 foreign buyers will meet with the participants this year.

Banu Keskin, Director of Construction Fair, drawing attention to the development of the construction industry in Turkey, said, “At the beginning of 2023, an economic growth of 4-5 percent was expected, as well as the domestic demand and the market staying active until the elections. However, due to the earthquake disaster that took place on February 6, affecting 11 provinces, expectations in the domestic market also changed. Most of the 13.5 million population in 11 provinces in the earthquake zone were directly affected by the earthquake. While it is foreseen that the reconstruction activities to be carried out after the earthquake will accelerate the construction sector and the construction materials market, the total size of the reconstruction activities is calculated as 46 billion dollars according to the damage assessment studies carried out as of February 25, 2023. It finished with $33.74 billion. In 2023, it was estimated that the increase in exports would remain at the level of 5 percent and reach 35.5 billion dollars due to the slowdown in the markets. After the earthquake disaster, the possibility of 2023 exports to remain between 33-34 billion dollars increased due to the demand of the domestic market. It is estimated that the import of construction materials, which was 10.5 billion dollars in 2022 due to the zoning activities in the earthquake zone, may rise to between 12-13 billion dollars as a result of the increase in demand, especially for products related to earthquake reinforcement.”

The Agenda of the Construction Industry Will Be Discussed at the Building Fair

The International Zero Energy Buildings Summit will be held with the participation of nearly 100 speakers for 4 days, with the slogan “ZeroBuild Possible Earthquake Resistant”, hosted by Yapı – Turkeybuild Istanbul this year, as it was last year. At the 4th ZeroBuild Summit’23 – International Zero Energy Buildings Summit, while shedding light on the relationship between earthquake resistance and zero energy building, information about right practices will be shared, especially in these days when urban transformation issues are started to be discussed again.

Within the scope of the event program, which will take place simultaneously with the ZeroBuild Summit 2023 program for 4 days, all aspects of earthquake safety in buildings will be discussed. In the event program, the current issues of the sector, especially earthquake safety in buildings, alternative building trends, sustainable materials and innovative and safe construction practices will be discussed.

Within the scope of the fair program, Architectural Master Classes, visits to the stands in the fair area with the main theme of “earthquake resistant structures”, thematic conversations and presentations with the participation of master architects-engineers will provide a communication network and an environment for gaining knowledge. With the Golden Magnet “Stand Design Awards”, which has become one of the classics of the Building Fair, this year, participants who create the most effective visitor experience by using sustainable elements, innovation and technology in their designs will be rewarded.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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