Masaüstü Reklam
Endometriozisin 3 Onemli Sinyali 4900.jpg

3 Signs of Endometriosis

Endometriosis, commonly known as ‘chocolate cyst’ among the people, is a chronic disease that occurs when tissues similar to the endometrium tissue that normally covers the inside of the uterus grow outside the uterus. In our country, approximately 2 million women of reproductive age, in other words, one out of every 10 women, are struggling with endometriosis. While endometriosis does not give any symptoms in some patients, it can develop with symptoms that can be seen in many diseases such as abdominal and groin pain and intestinal problems in others. In addition, since painful menstruation is considered a normal condition, it may be delayed to consult a physician. Because of these factors, diagnosis of endometriosis can take as long as 6-7 years. Delay in diagnosis and treatment can cause the picture to become more serious. For example, it results in infertility and kidney loss! Acıbadem Altunizade Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Taner Usta pointed out that early diagnosis and treatment are of great importance in endometriosis disease, and said, “In order to prevent delay in diagnosis and treatment, first of all, the signs of the disease should be well recognized and a physician should be consulted on time. Especially if there is painful menstruation, painful sexual intercourse and painful defecation during the menstrual period, endometriosis should definitely come to mind.” says.

Cause not yet known

Although the cause of endometriosis is still unknown, many theories have been proposed. In women of reproductive age, the uterus is preparing for pregnancy every month, and the inner layer of the uterus thickens and becomes ready for the embryo to settle. If pregnancy does not occur, this layer is excreted from the body with menstrual bleeding. According to the most accepted theory; In some cases, during menstruation, endometrial tissue (the membrane in the innermost layer of the uterus where the baby is placed during pregnancy) flows back into the peritoneal cavity, that is, into the abdominal cavity. Endometriosis most commonly occurs on the ovaries, tubes, and uterus. Rarely, it can be located in areas other than the pelvic area such as the intestines, bladder, previous surgery site, nails, breast, diaphragm, eyes and nose. These cysts caused by endometriosis lesions are called ‘chocolate cysts’.

Especially 3 signs are very important!

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain that increases with menstrual cycles. Since bleeding occurs in the endometrium tissue during the menstrual bleeding process in women, menstrual pain can follow a much more severe course. You may also develop more painful cramps than usual. In cases where the menstrual cycle is prolonged, back and abdominal pain may also occur. Pain during and after sexual intercourse and painful stool during the menstrual period are two other important symptoms of endometriosis. In addition to excessive bleeding during the menstrual period, symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or extreme nausea can also be seen, although rarely.

A detailed history of the patient is required for diagnosis.

The most important step in the diagnosis of endometriosis is the detailed history of the patient. Although a normal pelvic examination can easily identify the cyst or scar tissue, it may not be sufficient for the diagnosis of chocolate cyst. Imaging technologies such as ultrasound and, if necessary, Magnetic Resonance, are often used for full diagnosis. Ultrasound is usually sufficient for diagnosis. With ultrasound, it can be determined how the disease is, how widespread it is, and whether there is involvement in neighboring organs.

It can cause serious health problems

If endometriosis is not diagnosed and treated on time, serious health problems can develop. When diagnosed late, the functionality of the ovaries and egg reserves (the number of eggs) may be adversely affected, and as a result infertility may occur. So much so that about 40 percent of women who have difficulty conceiving a child are diagnosed with endometriosis. prof. Dr. “When diagnosed and treated early, many women with endometriosis are able to have children,” says Taner Usta. Another important health problem caused by endometriosis is kidney loss! Because chocolate cyst, which can be benign but have a bad course, can cause silent kidney loss by narrowing the tube leading to the urinary tract. In addition, intestinal obstruction may develop as a result of deep endometriosis blocking the intestine. In addition, studies reveal that endometriotic tissues can turn into cancer over time. If the disease is not treated despite its progression, it can be reached to the point of removing the ovaries and uterus by surgical operation.

a curable disease

Endometriosis is a curable disease today. While the use of medication is sufficient in some cases, surgical treatment may be required in some cases. Factors such as the stage of the disease, the severity of the pain, the symptoms and the patient’s desire to have a child determine the approach to treatment. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Prof. Dr. Taner Usta points out that the surgical method is generally preferred when an anatomical problem occurs in the pelvic organs such as the ovaries and uterus, or when the urinary tract or intestines are blocked, and continues as follows:

“Endometriosis surgery is done all over the world in a closed manner. Mostly, the protective method in which the ovarian tissue and the uterus are protected, that is, only the endometriotic tissues are removed from the body, is preferred. In older patients who do not want to have children or who have had recurrent endometriosis surgery, hysterectomy, which is a surgery to remove the uterus, can be performed especially in patients where the tissues are attached to the uterus. In some cases, the ovaries may need to be removed. Thanks to the experiences and developments in surgical treatment, the risk of recurrence of chocolate cysts after surgery is very low in experienced centers today.”

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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