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250 Beehives Distributed to 50 Manufacturers

İnegöl Municipality has distributed 250 beehives in order to support beekeepers in İnegöl, which has a rich endemic flora and attracts attention with its honey production. A seminar on “Honeybee health and safety” was also held before the distribution of the hive.

Being a strong industrial city, İnegöl is also a quality agricultural city with its fertile lands. The city, which has a rich flora with endemic vegetation, is also a good honey production city in this respect. Flower honey is mainly used in İnegöl; A mixture of chestnut, linden and acacia honey is produced. While there are 257 official beekeepers registered in the Ministry of Agriculture’s Beekeeping Registration System in the district, it is known that there are currently around 25 thousand beehives.


Inegol Municipality has distributed hives to 83 beekeepers to support honey production and beekeeping. Today, a total of 250 hives, 5 for each, were distributed to 50 producers. The bee producers showed great interest in the bee hive distribution held at the Sani Konukoğlu Conference Hall at 11.00. In the program attended by beekeepers and honey producers union representatives, Assoc. Dr. Mesut Ertan Güneş and Prof. Dr. A seminar was also held by Levent Aydın.


In the program, which started with the opening speech of Bursa Beekeepers’ Association President Umut Buğra Kavas, Kavas said, “We will continue to contribute to our beekeepers with such seminars and hive support, together with our municipalities. I wish everyone good luck,” he said. Bursa Honey Producers Union President Şenol Yoğurtçu said, “As Bursa Honey Producers Union, we have completed our establishment in the districts of Bursa as of January 18. Our membership continues. I hope we will sign very good projects together”.


Mayor of İnegöl Alper Taban said, “Today we are doing a very important job. In this period, frankly, I think we have done good work in agriculture and animal husbandry. While doing this, we wanted to do something based on your requests by listening to the field, not according to our own minds. I am especially glad that a union related to beekeeping has been established in our city. Because together with you, we understand the importance and value of the bee. Maybe bees don’t need humans, but we as humans need bees and nature. Today, we will be working on this issue both as a seminar and again to raise awareness of our beekeepers by providing hive support.”

After Chairman Taban, the seminar started. Assoc. Dr. Mesut Ertan Güneş and Prof. Dr. Levent Aydın gave a seminar on “Honey Bee Health and Biosafety” and “Basic Hygienic Practices in Beekeeping – Honey and Pollen Production”. At the end of the program, beekeepers were presented their hives.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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