Masaüstü Reklam
13 Cumhurbaskani Adayi Ve Chp Genel Baskani Kemal Kilicdaroglu Antalya Buyuksehir Belediyesi Nin Nurdagi Yerleskesini Ziyaret Etti 1880.jpg

13th presidential candidate and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu visited the Nurdağı campus of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality

The 13th presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu visited the city of Tent and Container in Gaziantep Nurdağı by Antalya Metropolitan Municipality and met with earthquake victims. Receiving information from President Muhittin Böcek about the work Kılıçdaroğlu, Earthquakes ate with citizens.

During the visit of the Tent and Container City of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality in Nurdağı district, the 13th presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance and CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’na CHP Group Deputy Chairman Özgür Özel, CHP Deputy Chairman Seyit Torun, Ali Öztunç, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBBb ) President Ekrem İmamoğlu, Antalya Metropolitan Mayor Muhittin Böcek and CHP deputies were accompanied. Mayor of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Muhittin Böcek, Nurdağı and Islahiye’deki information about the work of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, tent and container was found with investigations. Mayor Böcek, in the region made by the Metropolitan Municipality and made a briefing about social, agricultural and technical services.

We meet human needs

Stating that the number of buildings that are destroyed, demolished, demolished and severe medium damaged buildings is 5 thousand 825, Mayor Böcek said, “Agriculture and animal husbandry are carried out in this region. There are 14 thousand cattle, 70 thousand ovine animals. There are 270 thousand hectares of agricultural areas. With our Disaster Coordination Center, our soup kitchen, we are trying to meet all the daily needs of people. All our tools are here. We meet the unity needs all day, including hairdressing to our brothers in Earthquake. We opened two nursery for our children. We brought books to support the education of our students. We provide psychological support to our brothers in Earthquake. In addition, our support for agriculture and animal husbandry continues. We continue our vaccination support with seeds, fertilizers, feeds and veterinarians ”.

Ate dinner with earthquakes

Visiting the tents of the President Kılıçdaroğlu and Ekrem İmamoğlu, the earthquake victims have passed the wishes, listened to the problems. Kılıçdaroğlu and İmamoğlu distributed toys and book sets to children. The 13th presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance and the CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and the accompanying delegation entering the order of dinner in the Sabit Sometimes founded by Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, ate with the earthquake victims, Kilicdaroglu, who showed close attention to children, gave a child’s speech to Ataturk’s speech. , signed.

We shed tears with the Turks

The 13th presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu held a meeting with Lars Klingbeil and the accompanying delegation of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the tent area of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality. Klingbeil’s words ık We shed tears with the Turks ”. After the meeting, CHP leader and presidential candidate Kılıçdaroğlu made a joint press release with SPD Co -Chair Klingbeil.

We will envelop the wounds together

Antalya Metropolitan Mayor Muhittin Böcek, 13th presidential candidate and CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’nun made the following assessment of the following assessment: “Our President and President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu who died in the earthquake of the grave of our citizens and then went to the cemetery of our martyrs. Then we held the Millet Meeting. Nurdağı and İslahiye were given a task in our district as of February 15th and we started to work immediately. Here we opened our soup kitchen and our oven. In line with the demands of the public, we did what we need to do. The Millet Meeting was in Trabzon today, but our President came together with our citizens in Earthquake. I would like to thank all mayors, institutions and organizations for supporting disasters. 13. I would like to thank our President Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and our colleagues. Thanks to the head of our nation. We’il wrap the wounds together. In the second century of our republic, the beautiful days we will live more freely more freely are waiting for us. ”

Source: (Byzha) – White News Agency

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