Masaüstü Reklam
18 Mart Canakkale Zaferi Nin 108 Yil Donumu Kutlandi 8939.jpg

108th Anniversary of 18 March Çanakkale Victory Celebrated

On the occasion of the 108th Anniversary of the 18 March Çanakkale Victory and the Martyrs’ Day, a wreath ceremony was held in front of the Martyrs’ Monument on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 10:00.

To the ceremony; Malkara District Governor Kerem Süleyman Yüksel, 95th Armored Brigade Commander Tnk. alb. Recai Ata, Malkara Mayor Ulaş Yurdakul, Public Prosecutor Berat Kamil Büyükkalay, Malkara Vocational High School Deputy Director Metin Dağ, Malkara District Gendarmerie Deputy Commander Senior Sergeant Mustafa Kıranoğlu, Malkara District Police Chief Hasan Basri Karakuş, Malkara Deputy Mayors Hüseyin Vasfi Güner, Ersin Kaçar, Malkara District Director of National Education Ali Saraç, political party presidents and representatives, NGO Presidents, city council members, institution managers, veterans, Asker-i Erkan, teachers, students, members of the press and citizens attended.

Following the presentation of the wreaths of the District Governorate, the Garrison Command and the Mayor’s Office to the Monument, the ceremony at the Martyrs’ Monument ended with a moment of silence on behalf of the founder of our Republic, our Great Leader Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all our martyrs.

The 108th Anniversary of the Çanakkale Victory and the Martyrs’ Day continued with the commemoration program prepared by Atatürk Middle School students at the Hüsniye Hanım Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Meeting Hall at 10.30 am.

In the program that started with a moment of silence on behalf of the founder of our Republic, our Great Leader Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and all our martyrs, and the singing of our National Anthem, District Director of National Education Ali Saraç gave a speech.

The military personnel assigned by the 95th Armored Brigade Command made a speech stating the meaning and importance of the day.

After the speech, the program continued with the reading of the poems, the video screening called Çanakkale and the oratorio named Çanakkale Passable.

In the program, 95th Armored Brigade Commander Tnk Colonel. Recai Ata, Malkara Mayor Ulaş Yurdakul, Public Prosecutor Berat Kamil Büyükkalay and Malkara District Director of National Education Ali Saraç presented their awards to the students who ranked in the painting, poetry, composition and poetry competitions held throughout the district as part of the 18 March Çanakkale Victory and Martyrs’ Day.

After the program, 95th Armored Brigade Commander Tnk Colonel. Recai Ata, Malkara Deputy Mayor Ersin Kaçar, Malkara District Gendarmerie Deputy Commander Senior Sergeant Mustafa Kıranoğlu and District Police Chief Hasan Basri Karakuş visited the families of our martyrs Mehmet Dölkan and Selim Vural, who sacrificed their lives for our country.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

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