Do not run washing machines and dishwashers before they are full!
Global warming and climate change in the world and in our country increase the pressure on water and threaten water reserves. Underlining simple but effective measures to save water in homes, workplaces and social areas, experts warn that washing machines and dishwashers should not be run before they are full. Experts, who noted that the daily consumption of 200-250 liters of water per day in a metropolitan city in our country exceeds the world average, says that we are a candidate to be water-poor.
Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Environmental Health Program Instructor Member Ahmet Adiller made suggestions regarding the threat of drought and conscious water consumption.
Increasing water need is a matter of the world!
Stating that global warming, which is one of the most popular environmental topics of recent years, and the accompanying global climate change, are increasing its impact, Dr. Ahmet Adiller said, “The temperature records broken in the Northern Hemisphere, where the winter months are experienced, the months without precipitation, on the one hand, the periodic and regional floods are the most important indicators of this situation. The amount of water needed by the increasing population is about to become unaffordable in a large part of the world, as drought and floods cause clean water to not be stored in sufficient quantities.” said.
Regional water reserves are under threat
Noting that global warming and climate change are increasing the pressure on water, Dr. Ahmet Adiller said, “Long-term lack of precipitation under the influence of drought threatens regional water reserves, while rainfall that can cause floods and overflows causes water to mix with the seas instead of being stored in rivers, lakes and groundwater. The data obtained for many years show that snowfall decreases under the influence of temperature, which is very important regionally, as it accumulates in high areas and melts in spring to feed the streams. he said.
We are a candidate country to be water poor.
Expressing that there is a daily water consumption of 200-250 liters per person in our country, especially in metropolitan cities, Dr. Ahmet Adiller said, “Although it is not very high when compared to some countries in the world, it is well above the world average. In addition, unfortunately, our country does not have enough water potential to be counted among the water-rich countries. In fact, when we think about global climate change, we are a candidate to be water poor.” warned.
We need to reconsider daily habits
Stating that a large part of our daily habits cause water wastage, Dr. Ahmet Adiller said, “Daily habits that many of us unconsciously do, such as leaving the tap open while brushing teeth, using high-volume reservoirs in the toilets, turning the tap on while washing our hands, cause excessive use of water. The fact that these habits cause even 5 liters of water to be consumed per day may cause 146 million cubic meters (146 billion liters) of water to be wasted annually in our country with a population of 80 million.” He said that water should be used sparingly.

Simple but effective measures are possible
Dr. Ahmet Adiller also referred to simple but effective measures to save water in homes, workplaces and social areas, and said:
“First of all, we need to get rid of behaviors such as leaving the tap on while brushing the teeth, using high-volume reservoirs in the toilets, turning the tap too much while washing our hands. Apart from this, although the use of washing machines and dishwashers reduces water consumption, frequently operating these devices before they are full and choosing models that consume more water also cause more water consumption. In addition, faucets have simple equipment that reduces the use of water and saves water. Apart from these, shortening the time spent in the shower can be said as another measure that will significantly reduce water consumption.
Awareness starts from the family
Dr. Ahmet Adiller pointed out the points that need to be made to raise awareness of children and young people about the global climate problem and thirst at an early age and said, “There are environmental and climate change courses at different education levels in our country, starting from primary school. In this curriculum, the importance of water and its limitedness are also mentioned. However, our children subconsciously record what they see from their families as well as what they learn in the lesson. Therefore, in environmental terms, children first accept their parents as role models. Therefore, environmental education should start in the family. When the family raises individuals who love and respect nature, environmental education in schools can reach its target. Therefore, it is very important for adults to gain this awareness as well.” he said.
Rain harvesting systems should be mandatory in every new building!
Stating that although climate change and water shortage are frequently on the agenda, it is an issue that does not see the necessary social importance. Dr. Ahmet Adiller also drew attention to the duties of public institutions, NGOs and the state to raise awareness of the society.
Expressing that many people see the rivers and lakes around them and have an approach with the motto “The water here is enough for us for a lifetime”, Dr. Ahmet Adiller concluded his speech as follows:
“It is also contrary to the behavioral habits of the consumer society we live in. Therefore, we cannot develop a public awareness on this issue. At this point, of course, information campaigns should be continued and the society should be given the habit of saving water. However, my view is that the state should make it mandatory at certain points. Making rain harvesting systems used for the recovery of rain water mandatory in every newly constructed building and old buildings with large roof areas and preventing the sale of products with low water efficiency may have more positive results in the short term.